Call for Workshop Proposals

The 16th CyberC, Guangzhou , China, October 24-26, 2024

CyberC plans to hold multiple one-day workshops in conjunction with the main conference, which will be held in Guangzhou between October 24-26.

We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the broad set of research and application areas covered by the CyberC conference. This year, we will have a particular emphasis on revolutionizing computing and communications in the new era of AI. Thus, workshops related to this topic would be particularly welcome.

Proposal Requirements

A workshop proposal should contain the following information:

  • A brief motivation, regarding why the workshop is timely and relevant to CyberC.
  • A draft Call for Papers (CFP), as complete as possible.
  • The names and affiliations of the organizers, and a tentative composition of the program committees.
  • A timeline for submissions, reviewing and notifications. Note, the camera ready deadline for publications will be 20th September 2024.
  • An overview of the workshop format, including anticipated number of presented papers, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, etc.
  • If the workshop has been held before, a brief summary of the past number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and attendee count.

Practical Considerations

  • All workshops are planned to be held in person.
  • We will require all workshops to have identical start, end and break times, though yet to be determined at this point.
  • Individual workshop organizers are expected to manage their workshop and coordinate with the local chair for facilities at the venue and with the publication chairs for camera-ready papers.
  • Individual Workshop organizers will be responsible for setting up the paper submission site and review process for the selected workshops and their individual web page design in coordination with the CyberC web chairs (hosted on the common conference web site).

Submission Information

The deadline for receiving proposals is 13th May 2024. Proposals should be emailed as a single PDF to the Workshop Chairs:

If you have any further questions about your workshop proposal, do not hesitate to contact the workshop chairs.