
As we welcome the New Year, we find ourselves at the forefront of an extraordinary era defined by the AI revolution and entrepreneurial innovation. This is a time of unparalleled opportunities and formidable challenges, where the integration of human ingenuity and cutting-edge technology is reshaping industries, societies, and lives.

CyberC (Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery) was initiated by Dr. Bin Xie (InfoBeyond Technology), Professor Anup Kumar (University of Louisville), Dr. Chi-Ming Chen (AT&T, Retired), and David Lu (AT&T, Retired) with the Technical Co-sponsorship (TCS) of IEEE Computer or Communications Society.

Since 2009, the conference has been providing an inspiring forum to promote cutting-edge technologies including AI/ML, Big Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Wireless Communications, Image Learning, and Cloud computing technologies, focusing on cyber-enabled computing.

Since 2020, CyberC continuously hosts a Big-Big Data Analytics Competition chaired by Prof. Jionglong Su ( Xi''an Jiaotong-Liverpool University).

CyberC 2024 welcomed Ms. Vivian Ye (AT&T) as a key conference organizing leader.

For 2025, Prof. Yingying Jennier Chen, Chair of ECE Department, Rutgers University and Prof. Qingyang Rose Hu, Head of ECE Department, Virginia Tech joined the Steering Committee for their supports.

CyberC is grateful for the generous financial support received from IEEE Big Data Initiative, Huawei, AT&T, HP, EMC, RainStor, Teradata, ZTE, EXAR, Samsung, InfoBeyond, and academia partners across the globe.

The conference thanks Prof. Angelos Stefanidis (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University), Prof. Ning Wang (Zhengzhou University), Dr. Chih-Lin I, (China Mobile Research Institute), Jiangzhou Wang (University of Kent), IEEE China, and others for their tremendous contributions.

The success of CyberC is the collaborative efforts from many individuals, companies, universities, and organizations. CyberC has been financially supported by Tech Mahindra, Pivotal/EMC in USA, HP Enterprise in USA, RainStor in USA, Huawei in China, Microsoft in USA, Comrise in USA, and InfoBeyond in USA. CyberC thanks for student voluntaries. We sincerely express our appreciation to their works at the conference.

Please join us at CyberC Facebook, QQ group at 208385582.