The topics of interests include, but not limited to:
Big Data and AI
Big data algorithms, models, and systems for big data
AI, Neural Network, Deep Learning
Machine learning, and big data architecture and analytics
Big data software design, middleware and analytics
High Performance Computing, and Intensive data networks
Hadoop, Storm, Spark, and other big data analytic tools
Massive data streaming, scalable computing, big data task deployments
Cloud and high performance computing for big data
Big data retrieval, storage, query, communications, and database
Big data preservation, filter, provenance, and assurance
Big data security, protection, integrity and privacy standards and policies
Graph mining and opinion mining, and distributed data mining
Big data streaming, multimedia, stream, or web mining
Big data applications, image/multimedia data management
Database for Big data, Big Data on social network analytics
Security and information assurance for Big Data
Cyber and Distributed Computing
Authentication, trust, privacy and other Cyber security issues
Parallel and distributed algorithms, resource allocation, load-balance, and management
Cloud computing, mobile cloud, mobility-aware cloud data/streams
SOA, web services, and mobile services (software, infrastructure, platform as a service)
Web services and internet computing
Web-caching, content delivery systems and data distribution systems
Distributed systems and applications, modeling language, and software engineering
Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence
5G and Mobile Computing
Wireless networks, mesh networks, MIMO and 5G
Industry control network, networking theory and algorithms
Wireless embedded sensor systems, body sensor, new sensing capabilities & security
Cognitive radio and SDR
Future generation communications and pervasive computing
Peer-to-peer network computing and overlaying networks
Directional antenna and networking
FDMA/OFDMA modulations, synchronization, and power optimization
Mobile IP and Internet technology
Key, attacking models, privacy, confidentiality & security in mobile wireless networks
Communication, services, middleware, and multimedia on wireless networks
QoS, reliability, performance, and communication theory
Wireless network simulations, implementation, and applications
Cloud Computing and Mobile Clouds
Autonomic, real-time and self-organizing clouds
Architectural models for public and private cloud computing
Cloud resource management and allocation
Utility models and service pricing
New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing
Scientific computation and other applications in the cloud
Mobility modeling, management and measurement for mobile clouds
Mobile multimedia content delivery, transferring, and migration
Content delivery networks using storage clouds
User Experience and Cyber Security
Performance evaluation, measurement and optimization
Communications and network security
Information security, software security, system security, or applied cryptography
Tools, test-bed, simulations, and experimental environments
Collaborative and cooperative environments
QoS, Autonomic, reliability, and fault-tolerance